Response to Philip about Green Economy (and Labour) in Urban Areas

Dear Philip,

The ILO (including myself) is increasingly engaged in studies related to what you have mentioned: the green economy in urban areas with the following criteria: improve urban labour conditions, decarbonise the economy, and provide strong local governance.

The focus of such papers in mainly on construction / built environment, which are important elements of urban areas.

One of the papers (Keivani et al) is already posted under the page “Library”. See also the presentation of Abdul Saboor, also included in the “Library”.

We also have a number of country studies on green jobs, still not published (but completed): Malaysia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, China, South Africa, Mozambique, Brazil. Some of them have already led to concrete interventions.

We are also working on a general paper on labour and the environment in urban areas.

The “Library” of the Urban Labour Network also has a specific paper on labour-related urban governance (by van Empel and Werna). It is not specifically on the green urban economy, but may provide you useful information. As you will see, the paper adds-value in different ways.

Best, Ed

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One Response to Response to Philip about Green Economy (and Labour) in Urban Areas
  1. philip monaghan says:

    Dear Ed

    Many thanks for sharing your thoughts, this is extremely helpful.

    Would it be possible to have more details of the country studies on green jobs you refer to please, in particular the ones for China and Brazil?

    Warm regards


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