
We are confident that the members of the Network will positively contribute to the body of knowledge on urban labour. Nevertheless, it is necessary to alert to the following issues, which are standard procedure in this type of electronic networks:

Members who upload/share materials must make sure that there is no copy rights violations, otherwise the responsibility will be theirs. The Organizing Committee does not have any responsibility on materials with copy right issues posted by the members. If/when such uploaded materials are spotted, they will be removed immediately, and the member who has posted the material will be notified and held responsible for the consequences.

Members are encouraged to post only materials relevant to urban labour, or related issues. Uploading of irrelevant materials and specially offensive materials is strictly prohibited. The Organizing Committee does not have any responsibility for offensive materials uploaded by members; if/when such materials are spotted, they will be removed, and the responsible member’s membership will be immediately revoked. A member who uploads irrelevant material will be alerted, and if he/she continues to do so, his/her membership to the Network will be immediately revoked.

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